For prospective applicants

Getting started: Prospective applicants

UC Davis is dedicated to helping employees secure housing by offering several home loan programs to faculty and senior management. To learn more about the different programs, including eligibility and loan details, see the home loan programs page. If you're interested in applying for a university home loan, follow the steps below to get loan pre-approval.

Applying for a loan pre-approval

In order to secure a housing loan, an applicant, in conjunction with a department representative, must secure an authorization before beginning the pre-approval process. Once an applicant receives a loan pre-approval, they can use it to make an offer on a home. Get started by following the steps below!

  1. Email your department chair asking for a Mortgage Origination Program Loan (MOP), Supplemental Home Loan (SHLP) and/or Zero Interest Program (ZIP) loan nomination. Your chair will route a nomination and allocation request to the Dean and Vice Provost on your behalf.
  2. Await campus authorization. Once your receive it, you will have 180 days from that date to find a home. At this time, our campus home loan coordinator will reach out to inform you about and arrange the next steps. The timeline is something to keep your eye on, but you will have help, receive plenty of reminders, and can always request an extension.
  3. Prepare documents and information. Your home loan coordinator will reach out to you to schedule a meeting and will request a number of documents and information necessary for submitting your home loan application including your signed acceptance letter, final approved appointment letter, as well as the answers to questions about household income, expenses and more. 
  4. Submit documents and information to the Office of Loan Programs. Once your home loan coordinator receives the items listed in step three, you will receive an email with a link to the Consumer Connect borrower portal where you will fill out and submit the loan application, upload required documents and sign disclosures. 
  5. Receive loan pre-approval. Approximately 5-10 business days later you will receive an email from your underwriter with a loan pre-approval that you can use to make an offer on a home. 

Throughout the entire process your campus home loan coordinator and the Office of Loan Programs will be there to walk you through the process and help answer questions.