Home Loan Program

For departmental representatives

Getting started: Departmental representatives

Our loan programs aim to assist new recruits with the pursuit of homeownership; your involvement is crucial in making this program successful. This web page provides campus departmental representatives with an overview of the home loan program process and the necessary steps to follow when you receive a request for a loan nomination.

Here are the steps to follow when you receive a request:

For prospective applicants

Getting started: Prospective applicants

UC Davis is dedicated to helping employees secure housing by offering several home loan programs to faculty and senior management. To learn more about the different programs, including eligibility and loan details, see the home loan programs page. If you're interested in applying for a university home loan, follow the steps below to get loan pre-approval.

Zero Interest Supplemental Home Loan Program

Zero Interest Supplemental Home Loan Program

UC Davis has been working together with the University of California Office of the President, or UCOP, to evaluate new approaches to make housing more affordable. These efforts led to the development of a Zero Interest Program Loan, or ZIP loan. These loans are primarily intended to be a recruitment tool to help our campus build a diverse new generation of faculty and is expected to help recruit assistant professors as well as difficult to fill academic positions.

Supplemental Home Loan Program

Home Loan Program Update

In January 2025, UC Davis received additional funding to support individuals whose active home loan authorizations were paused in fall 2024. In addition, we are also planning to accept new nominations for eligible candidates this summer. Thank you for your patience throughout this process.

Mortgage Origination Program

The Mortgage Origination Program (MOP) provides competitive first mortgages to eligible Davis faculty and senior management.